ECHM visited by Dame Priti Patel, MP

16th November 2024


The museum was very pleased today to welcome our MP, Dame Priti Patel to the Museum. The tour of the museum included a conducted Walk by John Stedman of the old Atlas works and then a sandwich lunch, kindly provided at and by The Lion, where she was able to meet over 20 volunteers, supporters and Trustees!  The final part of her visit was to the new Lancaster Memorial at Chalkney Wood/America Road, where by chance we were greeted by a surprise visit from a US military vehicle!


We thank Dame Priti for taking the time to visit us. She has promised to support our ongoing efforts to build the heritage of Earls Colne—”the most documented village in England.”

Opening Hours

Open every Saturday & Sunday 2-4pm
Wednesdays 2-4pm May-October