OUT AND ABOUT with John Stedman

Life time resident and local historian, John Stedman, heads a series of walks around the local area in his own inimitable style.

Monthly, from April to October 2025, the Earls Colne Heritage Museum and John have put together old and new walking tours for the third Saturday in each month at 2pm.  Each tour lasts approximately two hours and tickets at £5.00 per person will be available from the museum.

April 19 The Atlas Works Tour

A repeat of a previous tour (albeit with new anecdotes!) around what was once the Atlas Works site and informing us of the rich industrial and social heritage that the Hunt family provided for Earls Colne from when Robert Hunt, a millwright from Soham, Cambridgeshire, settled in Earls Colne in 1824.

Other dates in 2025

17/5 TBC

21/6 TBC

19/7 TBC

16/8 Four Colnes Horticultural Show (no walk that day,  but Museum Volunteers will be available all day).

13/9 Heritage Open Day – Pop-up at the Quaker Meeting House, walk Burrows Road and Hillie Bunnies!  (change of date from 20th) times to be confirmed

18/10 TBC