EARLS COLNE, WW2 & its contribution to D-Day
Village Hall, York Road

SAT I st June 2024 at 7:00pm / THU 6th June at 1:30pm

80 years on, the nation commemorates the greatest land, sea and airborne invasion the world has ever seen to rid the world from Nazi Tyranny.

The talk will cover both the importance of the railway and the airfield: how Earls Colne coped with the ‘Friendly Invasion’ of over 2000 American servicemen, and will look at some of the sacrifices made by Earls Colne residents in the service of the country.

Tickets £5 each from the Museum (Wed, Sat & Sun 2 – 4pm)
EColnes Refillery on the High street (Tues – Sat)